Susanne Rosenal
- born in Salzburg/ Austria
- living in Vienna
- Zodiac sign Libra/Cancer
- Daughter Maya-Katharina
- 15 years of experience in marketing and advertising
- State-certified artist, exhibitions
- 1994 Training and testing of media skills in the “Light Generation” in Vienna. I then worked here as a media consultant.
- 40 years of studying with many teachers have perfected my work and given me the tools to pass it on.
- Serge Kahili King Kahuna,
- Felicitas Goodman “Trance”,
- Chuck Spezzano
- Hedwig Janisch Bach Flowers
- Lineups
- Apartment cleaning
- Tarot
- Contacts from beyond
- Animal Contacts
Many trips to destinations such as Costa Rica, Mexico, Spain, the Virgin Islands and Bali have allowed me to discover new cultures and various approaches to media and energetic work.
A special experience of my travels happened on the Virgin Islands:
One morning I suddenly experienced a change in my perception and my reality. For four days it seemed to me as if I had seen the world without colors before. Everything seemed so much brighter and more joyful. I looked at people's eyes with an intensity that allowed me to look into them. It was as if I had never seen eyes before!
That day I recognized my calling – now I want to share this power with you!